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What do you want?

You have faced this question on numerous occasions, I'm sure. 

  • Maybe it has been in a discussion centered around what a group will eat for supper.
  • Maybe when you've been questioned about upcoming Christmas or birthday presents.
  • Maybe even when you've interrupted someone else and this question is fired at you in a tone that was not so pleasant.

I was recently speaking with someone when this question came up, "What do you want?"  It wasn't in an ill-tempered tone, and there was no hostility thrown my direction.  It was an honest question trying to determine what desires I had concerning the topic.  The truth was, I'm not sure I had really thought through the topic in a way that allowed me to answer the question.

As I've thought, today, about how that question applies in all sorts of scenarios, I've realized that, while it applies in a lot of different ways, it is also an important question when it comes to local saved-by-grace-through-faith in Christ believers as a local church.

Now, let me be clear:  there is no shortage of "what people want" when it comes to church life.  I'm not someone who is unaware of this truth.  I, personally, have been the one thinking, "This shouldn't be [fill in the blank with the details of what is happening].  It should be [fill in the blank with details of what I think should happen]."  I have/do/will often express my opinion.  And I have certainly been, on numerous occasions, on the receiving end of hearing what others think about what should or should not happen.  And I've seen the "passion" of those expressing such.  It doesn't matter if it is a discussion concerning dress, style, money, music, a certain event or ministry, or even the way the offering is collected - what someone wants is often expressed...sometimes in a way that makes these things seem like the most important things.

The truth is:  what we want, matters (just maybe not always how we think it matters).

I mentioned in a message, recently, the lyrics of the song, Bring the Rain, performed by MercyMe:

Bring me joy, bring me peace, bring the chance to be free, bring me anything that brings You glory.  And I know there'll be days when this life brings me pain, but if that's what it takes to praise You...Jesus, bring the rain.

This song was written after a difficult diagnosis for the writer's son.  And the thrust behind it is this:  LORD, You be glorified!

Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Hebrews 13:20-21, ESV

May "what you (and I) want," more than anything, be that the Great Name of Jesus is lifted high!

May the LORD bless & lead as we seek Him.                                                                            Friendly.  Faithful.  Focused.  For the Glory of the Lord!

Pastor loves you, church!                                                                                                                    And I'm honored to serve Him alongside you.