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This past Sunday morning, the text from the book of Titus reminded us of God's call on the life of a Christ-follower to live holy.

Brothers & sisters in Christ:

  • You have been set apart as holy (your position in Christ) - you have been sanctified, and...
  • You are commanded to grow in holiness (your progression in Christlikeness) - you are being made holy/you are being sanctified.

We grow in our Christlikeness when we deny ourselves (our flesh) and we walk in step with the Holy Spirit of God.  Since we are to be "set apart"..."holy"..."distinct from/different than the world," then our lives should have markers on them that clearly define us as not walking according to the flesh.

I want to bring up one area of life that can often be overlooked:  technology.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I do not believe (as some groups have concluded) that we are called to reject all forms of technology.  God, Himself, has blessed people with knowledge to develop and refine technological tools throughout the generations - all for His glory!

  • The development of the wheel is a technological advancement.
  • Such is true, as well, concerning indoor plumbing, air conditioning, indoor ovens & stoves, and...cellphones and the internet.

These things are not inherently bad or evil.  In fact, they are tools that are beneficial when utilized properly.

Here's the issue:  there are many things that exist (technological or not) that we are intentional in guarding against...or guarding our children against.  But when it comes to technology, we often act as though there is no potential danger...and yet there most certainly is.

In an article on the TGC website (accessed at ), Isaac Serrano writes, "Our digital age has given rise to a world in which we openly invite all sorts of potentially harmful devices into our homes.  Good parents have a watchful eye out for addictive and harmful substances, but when it comes to technology, we've been less aware.  Many dangers have crept in as a result.  It's easy to see how.  Most parents saw digital devices as tools to be used to help their children flourish in a new technological world.  At first, we may not have known any better, but the research is clear now.  We have no excuse.  Screens and social media are highly addictive and behavior-altering.  Our kids are more disconnected, more miserable, and lonelier than ever before.  Like most addictive substances, devices promise joy but often bring misery."

And be clear:  this is not just an issue that is harming children.  I could recount personal conversations I've had where young adults, middle adults, and even senior adults have sought to find their joy and contentment and self-worth through the connectivity of social media - where the images and comments (or not) have altered their mindset and brought them stress and heartache.  I can share how people have been so caught up by what has been said (or not said) through those avenues that it has ruined their day, damaged relationships, and distracted them from the mission given them as Christ-followers.

I urge you to be controlled by the Spirit - not technology.  What does this look like?  We could discuss this and determine what may be harmful and what may be beneficial, but the point is that such blessings from God, like many other things, can be utilized by the evil one to lie to us, lead us into adopting false-teachings, and serve to control us.  And this must not be so for the one who is to be Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, & Spirit-controlled.


Pastor loves you, church!