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Recently, during a Sunday evening service, we looked at a passage of Scripture that reminds us of a song many of us learned when we were children.  Zacchaeus was (Luke 19:3) “...small in stature.” – a wee little man was he.  And Zacchaeus received a commanded invitation from Jesus to follow Him and abide with Him.

This has reminded me of the great privilege to be invited.

Did you ever have an experience as a child (or as an adult, for that matter) where you were not invited to something?  Maybe it was one of your classmates birthday parties?  Maybe you did not get invited to be part of a particular club or group in which you desired to be included?  Were you ever “chosen” last – one really wanted to invite you to be on their team?  Possibly, as you grew to adulthood, you did not receive an invitation to the wedding of someone you considered a friend. 

Not receiving an invitation can be painful.

But Jesus has invited you into a relationship with Himself – reconciling you to the Father – and this invitation is the greatest blessing – a blessing of His grace and mercy, secured through His sovereign plan:  Jesus’ life, death, burial, & resurrection!

This month we are celebrating the Gospel – the Resurrection of Christ – Jesus, Himself!

While each time we gather together – and each day we are afforded – we have the privilege to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we will do so, specifically, this season.  And each year as this season rolls around, more people are cognizant of what Jesus did on our behalf.  There may be days that pass where folks have no thought of the victory that is in Jesus, but during the Easter season more people think about the things of God.

And we want to be there as they do...

As we lead up to our celebration service on Resurrection Sunday, my hope is that we leave no one uninvited.  Will you be one who invites others to see the invitation they have from Jesus?  I’m willing to lock arms with you in this...and I’m anticipating one of the best Easter seasons we’ve ever seen!

This month, be reminded of the glorious gospel of Jesus.  Be wowed at God’s love for you.  Allow His invitation to you lead you to praise Him.  And be an instrument in His hand to invite others into such a relationship (it’s our mission!).

Be friendly to those around you (be reminded of what friendship really means).  Be faithful to the LORD and His ways (and faithful to His Bride:  the Church).  Be focused on your mission and the day that will come when this will be no more and we will be like Him!

Pastor loves you, church!