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 In January, I challenged us – as the church – to set some goals.  We were reminded that in every other facet of life we are often goal-setters.  Why not in our walk with Jesus?  

Maybe you’ve felt as though you’ve failed, or maybe you have forgotten about the goals.  Either way, I want to remind you about some areas where we can set goals and also remind you that we are empowered to walk in faithfulness by our King...  

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.               2 Peter 1:3-4

Read through the Word of God (at least once) over the course of 2023.

  • No matter how far behind you may be in your reading plan, renew your commitment to the Word, today! o   Will you commit to reading the Word of God?

Give more to the LORD in 2023 through the general offering, special missions offerings, and building fund than you gave last year.

  • I know, I know...people say the preacher is just worried about money.  I want you to know something:  I.  Am.  Not.  Worried about the offerings for 2023.  I am, however, very interested in our faithfulness before Holy God!
  • Will you commit to giving generously?

Gather, consistently, for worship celebrations in 2023.

  • Don’t let all the excuses that we are so good at finding get in the way of worshiping with your family in Christ at Foxworth First.
  • Will you commit to gathering, faithfully?

Commit to a small group Bible Study class in 2023.

  • Again, I know...  Some may say, “The pastor just wants higher numbers.”  Do I want higher numbers?  Guilty as charged!  Not because of a “number,” but because of what that number represents!
  • Will you commit to making small group Bible study (Sunday School) a priority?

Serve the LORD by serving through Foxworth First.

  • By the Holy Spirit living in you, child of God, you have been gifted to serve.
  • Will you commit to serving through the church?

Share the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of God for salvation.

  • Maybe you’ve never shared the gospel with another.  Maybe you have let your evangelistic fervor grow cold, but if you are in Christ your mission is to make Him known.
  • Will you set the goal of sharing the gospel?  Once a month...once a week...

Love others well because you love Jesus in 2023.

  • Can you intentionally reach out to someone who is no longer connected to the church and simply let them know you love them?  Or to you neighbors?
  • Will you look for ways to be a blessing to others because of the blessings you enjoy as a child of the King?

None of these, alone, will accomplish our ultimate goal – Bringing God Glory.

  • Our motivation will be extremely importantOur prayerful consideration and a continuation of a prayerful posture is keyWhere we find our worth and to whom our ultimate devotion is directed will dictate our success, here.  Our willingness to step out of our comfort zones will play an integral part, and our intentionality to point to King Jesus, all along the way, will give testimony as to whether this is all about us or about magnifying Jesus in this place where God has planted us.

My prayer continues to be that in (the rest of) 2023, we will YIELD to the leadership of the Holy Spirit & SHINE BRIGHTLY for GOD’s GLORY as we journey along – that things will not simply be business-as-usual, but that we recognize, experience, & get on board with the LORD in what He is doing.  What a great time to be part of what the LORD is doing in and through Foxworth Frist!  I pray we all eagerly anticipate, wait for, and walk in what the LORD is doing with His church in this place!

Respond to His love by walking in His ways.  Be friendly to those around you (be reminded of what friendship really means).  Be faithful to the LORD and His ways (and faithful to His Bride:  the Church).  Be focused on your mission and the day that will come when this will be no more and we will be like Him!  

Pastor loves you, church!